Sopa Cremosa de Legumes
4.50 €
Sopa rica de peixe com massinhas
4.90 €
Sopa de Tomate
5.90 €
Sardinha Assada
6.50 €
Melão com Presunto à Portuguesa
8.90 €
Cogumelos Fritos com Alho
8.90 €
Salada de Atum
10.90 €
Ostras frescas
11.90 €
13.50 €
Salada de Gambas e Abacate
13.90 €
Lulas Fritas em Azeite com Alho
13.90 €
Cogumelos Recheados com Gambas
15.50 €
Coquetel de Gambas
15.50 €
Gambas Algarvias
16.90 €
Amêijoas em Molho de Alho e Vinho
18.90 €
Peixe-espada Grelhado
15.90 €
Salmão Fresco Grelhado
17.90 €
Polvo Assado
21.90 €
Caril com Gambas
21.90 €
Filé de Alabote Grelhado
21.90 €
Metade Grelhada de um Grande Robalo Fresco
22.00 €
Tamboril à Moda dos Pescadores
22.90 €
Arroz de Tamboril Guisado com Gambas
23.90 €
Linguado Grelhado or au meuniere
55.00 €
Tabuleiro com Camarão Tigre
69.00 €
Kebab de Frango
17.90 €
Kebab de carne à brasileira
21.50 €
Kebab de Peixe e Gambas
22.90 €
Bifinhos de frango
14.90 €
Lombo de Porco com Ameixas
16.90 €
Ensopado de Borrego à Alentejana
19.90 €
Strogonoff de Carne com Arroz
21.90 €
Bife de Filé Pimenta
24.90 €
Bife de Filé Especial Ostra D'Ouro
24.90 €
Bife à portuguesa
24.90 €
Bife de Filé na Pedra
25.90 €
Carré de Borrego
26.90 €
Surf & Turf
27.90 €
Caranguejo português
27.90 €
Filé à Moda da Casa
60.00 €
Arroz de Marisco
60.00 €
60.00 €
Gambas Gigantes
89.00 €
Travessa de Marisco
98.00 €
99.00 €
Tostas de Peixe e Batatas Fritas
9.50 €
Nuggets de Frango com Arroz
9.50 €
9.50 €
Esparguete à bolonhesa
9.50 €
Bife Pequeno
12.90 €
Vegetables cream soup
4.50 €
Home made fish soup
4.90 €
Fresh tomato soup with porched egg
5.90 €
Grilled sardines
6.50 €
Melon with portuguese smoked ham
8.90 €
Fried mushrooms with garlic
8.90 €
Tuna fish salad
10.90 €
Fresh oysters
11.90 €
Shell with mixed seafood Ostra D´Ouro style
13.50 €
Prawns and avocado salad
13.90 €
Fried squids in olive oil with garlic
13.90 €
Stuffed mushrooms with prawns
15.50 €
Prawn cocktail
15.50 €
Fried algarvian prawns with garlic sauce
16.90 €
Clams in garlic and wine sauce
18.90 €
Grilled swordfish
15.90 €
Grilled fresh salmon
17.90 €
Roasted octopus with sweet potato
21.90 €
Curry with prawns
21.90 €
Grilled hallibut filet with meuniere sauce and prawns
21.90 €
Grilled half of a big fresh sea bass
22.00 €
Monkfish fishermens style
22.90 €
Monkfish rice stew with prawns
23.90 €
Grilled sole or au meuniere
55.00 €
Tray with grilled tiger prawns with garlic sauce and sauteed potatoes with onions
69.00 €
Grilled chicken kebab
17.90 €
Meat kebab brazillian style
21.50 €
Grilled fish and prawns kebab
22.90 €
Grilled chicken breasts with piri piri sauce
14.90 €
Pork filet with prunes
16.90 €
Lamb stew alentejana's style
19.90 €
Beef strogonoff with rice
21.90 €
Pepper filet steak
24.90 €
Ostra D'Ouro special filet steak
24.90 €
Filet steak portuguese style
24.90 €
Filet steak on the stone
25.90 €
Grilled rack of lamb with sauteed potatoes
26.90 €
Surf & Turf
27.90 €
Portuguese crab
27.90 €
Beef filet house style (chateaubriand)
60.00 €
Seafood rice
60.00 €
Cataplana special or with fish
60.00 €
Grilled giant prawns
89.00 €
Seafood Platter
98.00 €
99.00 €
Fish fingers and chips
9.50 €
Chicken nuggets with rice
9.50 €
Hamburger with chips
9.50 €
Spaguetti bolognaise
9.50 €
Small steak with fried egg and chips
12.90 €